OSCE Annual report 2010 (de)
Publishing date: 31 März 2011
Content type: Jahresbericht
Wo wir zu finden sind OSCE Secretary General, OSCE Secretariat
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The OSCE Annual Report provides an overview of the Organization's activities in its field operations and institutions as well as co-operation with other international organizations.
OSZE Jahresbericht 2011
Publishing date: 30 März 2012
Content type: Jahresbericht
Wo wir zu finden sind OSCE Secretary General, OSCE Secretariat
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The OSCE Annual Report provides an overview of the Organization's activities in its field operations and institutions, and co-operation with other organizations.
Praxishandbuch für Kleinwaffen und leichte Waffen
Publishing date: 1 Dezember 2003
Content type: Leitfaden / Anleitung / Handbuch
Wo wir zu finden sind Forum for Security Co-operation
What we do: Rüstungskontrolle
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Das Praxishandbuch für Kleinwaffen und leichte Waffen enthält eine Reihe an Leitlinien, die vom Forum für Sicherheitskooperation entwickelt wurden und dabei helfen sollen, die Anzahl an illegal gehaltenen Waffen im Umlauf zu reduzieren. Das Praxishandbuch ist bis heute eines der umfassendsten Handbücher über Kleinwaffen und leichte Waffen und gibt eine Reihe an Praxisleitfäden vor, die alle Stadien der Herstellung von Waffen beschreibt- angefangen mit der Produktion bis hin zur Zerstörung, Entwaffnung, Demobilisation und Reintegration.
OSCE Annual Report 2005 (de)
Publishing date: 25 April 2006
Content type: Jahresbericht
Wo wir zu finden sind OSCE Secretary General, OSCE Secretariat
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The Annual Report on OSCE activities provides an overview of the Organization's activities in its field operations and institutions as well as its co-operation with other international organizations
OSCE Annual Report 2003 (de)
Publishing date: 1 Oktober 2004
Content type: Jahresbericht
Wo wir zu finden sind OSCE Secretary General, OSCE Secretariat
Publisher: Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
The OSCE in 2003 adapted itself to new security risks and challenges and refined its instruments to meet new challenges ahead. During the year the OSCE had to demonstrate its ability to respond effectively to the demands of an ever-changing security environment. The Institutions and Missions of the OSCE demonstrated their ability to make a difference on the ground through the numerous activities they developed. In many cases the OSCE co-operated in 2003 with other international organisations that deal with European security, human rights and economic issues. In view of the broad spectrum and complex nature of security and other issues, and in line with its Platform for Co-operative Security, co-operation with other organisations and institutions was promoted, as it makes the performance of the OSCE more effective and more efficient.