Linee guida sulla Protezione dei Difensori dei Diritti Umani

The present guidelines are based on OSCE commitments and universally recognized human rights standards that OSCE participating States have undertaken to adhere to. The guidelines are informed by key international instruments relevant to the protection of human rights defenders, in particular the UN Declaration mentioned above. The guidelines do not set new standards or seek to create “special” rights for human rights defenders but concentrate on the protection of the human rights of those who are at risk as a result of their human rights work. As such, the guidelines aim to contribute to promoting equal protection of human rights for all.
I pareri, le opinioni, le conclusioni o altre informazioni espresse in questo documento non sono necessariamente approvate dall'Organizzazione per la sicurezza e la cooperazione in Europa (OSCE), a meno che l'OSCE non sia esplicitamente definita come "Autore" del suddetto documento.