Presidential Election, 22 November and 6 December 2009

Mission at a glance
- Head of Mission: Vadim Zhdanovich (Russian Federation)
- Core team consists of 11 experts from nine OSCE participating States
- 14 long-term observers deployed across the country
Following an invitation to observe the presidential election, and in line with the recommendations of a needs assessment mission, ODIHR deployed a limited election observation mission for the 22 November presidential election in Romania.
Headed by Vadim Zhdanovich of Russia, the mission consisted of 11 experts and 14 long-term observers from 17 OSCE participating States. The LTOs were based in Bucharest and six regional centres.
According to the mission's final report: "The presidential election took place in an environment characterized by respect for fundamental political freedoms and was generally conducted in conformity with OSCE commitments and international standards for democratic elections, as well as with national law. While the authorities took steps to remedy certain shortcomings noted during the first round of voting and to investigate allegations of irregularities, further efforts are required to address remaining weaknesses in order to improve the election process and strengthen public confidence."