Parliamentary Elections, 23 January 2006

Mission at a glance
Head of Mission: Vadim Zhdanovich (Russian Federation)
- Assessment team drawn from 8 OSCE participating States
- Assessment team deployed in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Edmonton
Mission schedule
- 14 Jan: Mission opens with arrival of assessment team
- 23 Jan: Election day
In response to an invitation from the Canadian Foreign Ministry, the OSCE/ODIHR deployed a team of experts to assess the 23 January general elections in Canada.
The purpose of the visit was to assess the overall election framework in Canada with regard to OSCE commitments, international standards and best practices for holding democratic elections.
The mission, headed by ODIHR Senior Election Adviser Vadim Zhdanovich of the Russian Federation, consisted of 10 international elections experts deployed in Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal and Edmonton.
The team met with relevant governmental authorities, election administration, and discuss election issues with candidates, political parties, civil society and the media. The mission also visited polling stations on election day throughout the country.
A final report was issued some weeks after the assessment.
Members of the assessment team
Head of Mission: Vadim Zhdanovich (Russian Federation)
Delphine Blanchet (France)
Irena Hadziabdic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Stefan Krause (Germany)
Vladimir Lysenko (Russian Federation)
Roumen Maleev (Bulgaria)
Raphaelle Mathey (France)
Jessie Pilgrim (USA)
Igor Popov (Ukraine)
Kate Sullivan (United Kingdom)