Parliamentary Elections, 7 December 2003

Mission at a glance
Head of Mission: Rita Süssmuth (Germany)
- 18 core staff in Moscow
- 38 long-term observers deployed to regional centres
- 400 short-term observers
- Core team and long-term observers drawn from 17 OSCE participating States
Mission schedule
2 Nov.: Mission opened with arrival of the core team
- 10 Nov.: Briefing of long-term observers
- 11 Nov.: Deployment of long-term observers
- 2 Dec.: Arrival of short-term observers
- 7 Dec.: Election day
- 8 Dec.: Press conference in Moscow
Following an invitation by the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, ODIHR established an election observation mission on 3 November.
The mission was headed by Professor Rita Süssmuth of Germany and consisted of 17 core team members and 38 long-term observers from 17 OSCE participating States, based in Moscow and 16 other regional centres.
Ahead of election day, the mission was joined by short-term observers, including delegations from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Together, they deployed some 480 observers from 42 OSCE participating States.
According to the mission's final report: "While advantages of incumbency may be generally recognized, in the context of the 7 December State Duma elections, these advantages seriously distorted the process. The democratic norms of voter access to information and equal conditions for candidates and parties to convey their message to the electorate were severely compromised. The widespread use of State administrative resources blurred the distinction between United Russia and the executive administration. The main countrywide State broadcasters displayed favoritism towards United Russia and, in doing so, failed to meet their legal obligation to provide equal treatment to electoral participants, also a fundamental principle of democratic elections."
Previous elections
The ODIHR has observed a number of elections in Russia, including the 2000 presidential election, the 1999 parliamentary election, the 1996 presidential election, and the 1995 parliamentary election.