Goal 5: Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. The OSCE recognizes that equal rights and opportunities for women and men are fundamental to achieving comprehensive security, and has committed to ensuring that a gender perspective is integrated into all its activities.
The OSCE works to support implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 which recognizes the pivotal role women play in conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction. It provides training and technical assistance to governments to help them to implement the Resolution, publishes material to promote increased women’s participation throughout the conflict cycle, and promotes the inclusion of women’s grassroots groups in conflict resolution and reconciliation processes.
The OSCE integrates a gender perspective throughout all of its programmes, projects and activities. The OSCE’s field operations, institutions and Secretariat help to prevent and combat gender-based violence through training of law enforcement professionals and support to organizations that assist survivors. They also support states in collecting data and reporting on progress in achieving the SDGs and promote women’s economic empowerment by providing training and advice to women entrepreneurs.