Human rights

The Mission supports legislative reforms and works with representatives of the judiciary, law enforcement, civil society, religious communities, media, and human rights defenders to ensure the protection of fundamental rights especially with regards to the freedoms of peaceful assembly, media, and religion or belief. In this area, the Mission facilitates regular capacity building activities and engages in thorough monitoring of any related incidents, making the most of its unique field presence across the country.
The Mission focuses on strengthening the capacities of BiH judiciary and human rights mechanisms to tackle widespread discrimination and works to enhance advocacy to address the negative stereotypes and prejudices identified in its 2020 Report “Discrimination in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Public Perceptions, Attitudes and Experiences”. These include persistent discrimination and deeply-rooted negative stereotypes against Roma, individuals and groups who are numerical ethnic minorities in their communities, such as returnees, religious minorities, and migrants, and discrimination on the basis of one’s sexual orientation or identity.
The Mission also continues to support access to social protection, housing and healthcare for a range of socially vulnerable beneficiaries, such as returnees and internally displaced people, persons with disabilities, Roma and other national minorities, migrants and refugees, and civilian victims of war.
The Mission contributes to the standardization of social policy documents and works closely with associations of social workers at the State, entity, and cantonal levels to ensure that social policies are tailored to the needs of society’s most vulnerable.