Cyber/ICT Security

OSCE confidence-building measures to reduce risks of conflict stemming from the use of information and communication technologies are systemically promoted, and particular focus is placed on the protection of the country’s critical infrastructure.
At the strategic and policy level, the Mission helps facilitate inter-agency and multi-sectoral collaboration on cybersecurity matters and assists the advancement and implementation of related frameworks. This has included the development of the guidelines for a strategic cybersecurity framework which are to inform relevant strategies and action plans at the different levels of authority.
Support is also provided to the establishment and development of computer emergency response teams in BiH, to help prevention of and effective response to ICT/cyber incidents and attacks.
The Mission moreover works to advance national training capacities on combating cybercrime and cyber-enabled crime, particularly through the development of expertise and capacity of a broad range of criminal justice practitioners and trainers in the cybersecurity and ICT fields.