OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek
Human rights

In the Copenhagen Document of 1990, the OSCE's participating States undertook a commitment to respect all human rights. (OSCE/Curtis Budden) Photo details
The OSCE Programme Office is active in promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms in Kyrgyzstan. As such, the Programme Office supports the host country in upholding economic, social and cultural rights across the country with a special focus on gender. Following the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Office supports initiatives aimed at the promotion of persons with disabilities’ labour rights at the state and municipal service, including civic awareness-raising and empowerment of persons with disabilities to take a more active role in political, public and social life.
The Programme Office also supports state agencies, national human rights institutions and civil society in promoting fair trial standards and prevention of torture. This work is implemented by training officials from various law enforcement agencies on detection and prosecution of torture cases according to international standards, and providing open platforms for discussion. Additionally, the Programme Office promotes inter-confessional tolerance and co-operation in Kyrgyzstan to ensure implementation of the principles in the area of freedoms of religion and belief.