OSCE Talks

The OSCE Talks series of seminars was launched in 2010. These one-day seminars bring together leading researchers, OSCE experts and students to discuss topical issues relevant to the OSCE's work.
The first in the series was held at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek on 12 October 2010. The subjects discussed included political and strategic changes in Central Asia over the last 20 years, perspectives on Kyrgyzstan in light of inter-ethnic clashes and the regional implications of the situation in Afghanistan.
Under the aegis of Lithuania’s OSCE Chairmanship, the second in the OSCE Talks series took place at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at Vilnius University on 5 April 2011. Participants discussed what a security community might look like and how it could be achieved it, tackling persisting and new challenges.
The 2012 OSCE Talks were held at Trinity College Dublin on 24 October 2012 and focused on the challenges and opportunities in communications and media, including social media, in conflict situations.