OSCE academic discussion Dnepropetrovsk "Life after Coal", 26 March 2015

“Life after Coal" – was a panel discussion at the National University in Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. It was part of a two-day international conference, "Strategies of Economic Development in the Globalization Era".
Experts from coal-mining regions in different OSCE participating States shared experiences and expertise about making the transition from a coal-based to a more sustainable diversified economy.
When: 26 March 2015, 10:00
Where: National University of Dnepropetrovsk, Dnepropevrovsk, Ukraine
The presentations by the speakers and background reading can be found here.
This panel discussion is the first of four events to be held in partnership with academic institutions in Ukraine in 2015. The goal of the events is to demonstrate one of the important functions of the OSCE, which is to act as a platform for sharing experience and expertise on security issues of common concern that will be useful for Ukraine as it builds a vision for the future of the country.