Role of inter-faith dialogue in peace building explored at expert workshop organized by OSCE and KAICIID in Vienna

The positive role religious figures and institutions can play in conflict prevention and peace building was the theme of an expert workshop co-hosted by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) in Vienna on 3 and 4 April 2017.
Staff members of the OSCE and the Centre were joined by civil society representatives, academics and leaders of religious and faith communities to discuss how an active promotion of interfaith relations can contribute to social solidarity, stability and security. They explored how religious leaders and institutions can contribute to peace processes by providing early warning or acting as responders when frictions arise.
Three working groups on insider dialogue facilitation, youth polarization and regional challenges in West Africa and Eastern Europe delved into frank, in-depth exchanges of expertise and experience. All discussions were held under Chatham House rules.
The results of the working groups and plenary discussions were synthesized into a set of recommendations for improved co-ordination of international contributions to inter-faith and inter-religions dialogue in peace building and security.