OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek
Gender equality

Gender equality. (iStockphoto)
In support of Kyrgyzstan’s National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality and the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325, the OSCE Programme Office works with key actors in the country to help raise awareness of gender aspects of security, women’s participation in public life, and the involvement of men in promoting gender equality. It supports a network of Women’s Initiative Groups and helps establish referral mechanisms between local self-government bodies, police and communities on addressing and preventing gender-based violence. The Programme Office emphasizes the significance of gender equality in the security sector by supporting female professionals across law enforcement agencies.
The Programme Office is continuing to provide systemic support to further gender mainstreaming in law enforcement agencies. Specifically, it supported the creation of the Kyrgyz Association of Women in Security Sector (KAWSS). This unique Association unites women working in Kyrgyzstan’s law enforcement agencies, security, law and order sectors and seeks to contribute to the common cause of strengthening peace and order across the country. The KAWSS aims to promote gender equality in the security sector by heightening capacity, creating additional opportunities for women, and exchanging best practices and expertise with national and international counterparts.