Sebastian Kurz
Sebastian Kurz was born in 1986 in Vienna. Since 2003, he is involved in the Young Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP). One year later, Sebastian Kurz started studying law at the University of Vienna. In 2007, he became Chairman of the Viennese branch of the Young Austrian People’s Party and was elected as Federal Chairman two years later. Furthermore, he acted as member of the Vienna City Council until his appointment as State Secretary for Integration in April 2011. By focusing on the new approach “integration through performance”, Sebastian Kurz succeeded in de-emotionalising the public debate over integration of migrants in the Austrian society.
On December 16th 2013, he was sworn in as Austrian Federal Minister for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. The ongoing support of the countries of the Western Balkans on their way towards the European Union and the establishment of a stronger interlinkage between foreign and economic policy through a newly established “Business Support Service” rank among the key aspects of his foreign policy. Moreover, Sebastian Kurz aims to position Austria as international bridge builder and a place for dialogue by hosting the Iran Talks and the Syria Peace Talks in Vienna. Finally, he also enhanced the services provided by the ministry to Austrians living abroad.
In 2014, Sebastian Kurz was Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and will act as Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE during the Austrian Chairmanship in 2017. Besides his involvement in global politics, he also serves as Chairman of the Political Academy of the Austrian People’s Party, a think tank and political training institution.