OSCE promotes implementation of effective traffic safety measures in Uzbekistan

TASHKENT, 7 April 2016 – The implementation of traffic management and effective road safety measures were the focus of an OSCE-supported roundtable discussion for some 40 representatives of the Interior Ministry, Parliament, state agencies, media and civil society, and a two-day seminar for 25 traffic police officers, held in Tashkent from 5 to 7 April.
The roundtable saw discussions focus on the measures Uzbekistan has been taking in implementing the state programme on traffic safety and ways to strengthen road traffic security. Three experts from Turkey and Serbia shared best practices on traffic management, public awareness campaigns and road safety measures implemented in their countries. Special emphasis was put on the importance of effective communication between different stakeholders with the overall aim of preventing traffic accidents and promoting good practices.
“It is important to maintain a constructive dialogue between different stakeholders involved in implementing newly-adopted regulations aimed at enhancing the efficiency of traffic-safety measures and raising awareness among the population about road-related risks,” said Nataša Rašić, Acting OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan.
Following the roundtable discussion, officers from the Interior Ministry’s Traffic Safety Police Department enhanced their knowledge during a seminar about best practices in enforcing traffic regulations. The experts from Turkey and Serbia provided a comprehensive overview of the road safety situation in their countries while highlighting the advantages of integrated road systems and new technologies in road safety, including the video control of roads.
The seminar’s participants also exchanged views on new methods of traffic police training and stressed the importance of improving driver education as well as the procedures for granting driver’s licences.
The events were organized in co-operation with the Interior Ministry as part of a joint project aimed at improving the efficiency of traffic safety measures in Uzbekistan.