World Press Photo - international exibition of journalistic photographies
3 July 2012 (All day) - 3 August 2012 (All day)
Belgrade and Novi Sad
Organized by
The OSCE Mission to Serbia in co-peration with the Netherlands Embassy in Serbia, Cultural Centre Dom omladine, EXIT music festival and Studio M.
The exhibition will open in Novi Sad on 3 July 2012 as part of the EXIT music festival, and in Belgrade on 20 July 2012 at Dom omladine, a youth cultural centre.
World Press Photo is the world’s largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. All the prize-winning photographs are assembled into an exhibition that travels to 45 countries over the course of a year. Over two million people go to a hundred different venues to see the images
Two side events will be organized to complement the exhibitions:
- A public debate on press photography in a digital environment at the premises of the Independent Association of Vojvodina Journalists in Novi Sad at 5 pm on 13 July 2012 and
- A workshop for professional photojournalists in Belgrade from 23 to 25 July 2012.