OSCE Presence organizes exchange visit to Serbia for Albanian journalist covering security and small and light weapons

Ten journalists covering security and small and light weapons (SALW) issues from different media outlets in Albania travelled to Belgrade from 19 to 22 December 2022 to learn from the best regional practices and share experience with Serbian colleagues. Representatives from the Albanian Ministry of Interior, the Albanian State Police, the National SALW Commission and the Ministry of Interior of Serbia joined the meetings.
The OSCE Presence in Albania organized the media exchange visit in co-operation with the OSCE Mission to Serbia and with the engagement of the South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) and UNDP Serbia.
“Media role in raising awareness to reduce the risk of SALW is an essential part of the project ‘Assisting the national authorities of the Republic of Albania to decrease the risk of weapon proliferation and misuse of SALW’,” said Xhenis Ballco, the National Project Officer.
During the visit, the Albanian journalists heard from Serbian journalists, members of the “Media against violence network”, how this network composed of 90 journalists helped them enhance reporting quality. They also had the opportunity to sit together, for the first time, with Albanian officials to discuss how to improve co-operation between the interested parties. The journalists and the officials expressed their commitment to maintain and intensify the dialogue on matters concerning them.
The media are a key factor on informing and educating the public, by directly contributing to the SALW Control Roadmap[1] goal four “By 2024, significantly reduce the supply, demand and misuse of firearms through increased awareness, education, outreach and advocacy”. Also, partnering with media is crucial for the OSCE Presence, as part of its mandate and efforts to promote freedom of expression.
The activity aimed at enhancing the role of media in public awareness raising campaigns and at assessing reporters’ capacity building needs regarding quality reporting, based on the Western Balkans best practices. It will be followed by capacity building and other supporting activities for the journalists.
The “Assisting the national authorities of the Republic of Albania to decrease the risk of weapon proliferation and misuse of SALW” project is implemented by the OSCE Presence in Albania, with the financial support of the European Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of France.
[1] https://www.seesac.org/f/docs/publications-salw-control-roadmap/Regional-Roadmap-for-a-sustainable-solution-to-the.pdf