Co-operation of parliaments and regulators in South Eastern Europe
3 April 2012 (All day) - 4 April 2012 (All day)
House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Belgrade
Organized by
Serbian Parliament and the European Movement in Serbia, with support of the OSCE Mission to Serbia (through the USAID ExB Project “Promoting Good Governance through Enhancing Public Accountability Mechanisms and Citizen Participation“) , the Fund for Open Society and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Fund.
This conference is a part of the activities Serbia is organizing within the framework of the South East European Co-operation Process (SEE CP) over which Serbia is currently presiding.
The aim of the event is to gather MPs, representatives of independent regulatory/state bodies and civil society organizations from SEE CP countries to discuss their relationship, good practices and challenges they are facing.
A special focus in the conference will be placed on institutions covering the fields of human rights protection and the fight against corruption. Furthermore, the role, involvement, and influence of CSOs will be discussed.