Important that Serbia continue with reforms, says OSCE Secretary General Greminger during visit

BELGRADE, 10 October 2019 – OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger concluded today a two-day visit to Serbia where he met with high-level state officials and representatives of the opposition, civil society and the media.
In a meeting with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, Greminger emphasized that Serbia has made considerable progress on its reform agenda. “It is important that the country continues on its reform path. Do not hesitate to make full use of the OSCE’s expertise. The OSCE Mission to Serbia will continue to synchronize and tailor their activities to Serbia’s evolving needs to better support key reform processes, in line with the government’s priorities,” he said.
Regional relations and economic co-operation were also discussed. “Serbia plays a positive role in promoting economic co-operation to the benefit of long-term stability and development in the region,” said Greminger.
Greminger also met with Prime Minister Ana Brnabić. Among other things, they discussed initiatives to promote cross-party dialogue on electoral issues, ahead of the 2020 parliamentary and local elections. “I hope all political stakeholders will engage constructively in the discussion on how to provide a level playing field for holding free and fair elections,” said Greminger.
Brnabić and Greminger also talked about the draft Media Strategy, central for a healthier media environment and based on the principles of freedom of the media, ethics and professionalism. “Finalization and implementation of the Strategy are vital.”
Greminger met with First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić. “Serbia is a trusted and active partner within the OSCE, which was proven during its OSCE 2015 Chair by being central to the promotion of regional co-operation and stability,” said Greminger. The Secretary General commended Serbia’s support and constructive approach in helping to make the 2020 Albanian Chairmanship a success for the OSCE.
Greminger also met with Veroljub Arsić, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Serbia. They discussed the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s continued focus on strengthening the parliament's oversight role and the separation of powers. The Mission supported the process of constitutional amendments on the independence of the judiciary. “It is important that the parliament strengthens its role in terms of oversight and law-making,” said Greminger.
In a meeting with opposition party leaders, Greminger stressed that a strong opposition is an essential element in democracy: “It is important to hear critical voices. I attach great importance to inclusive political participation as key for a democratic society. Political dialogue between all parties must continue for the benefit of all citizens.”
During the meeting with civil society representatives, Greminger reaffirmed the OSCE’s support of their work. In an exchange with Brankica Jankovic, the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, Greminger stressed the role of independent institutions. “Wide participatory processes are key to ensuring sustainability and local ownership of the reform. This is a must if the country is to move forward in the fields of youth activism, gender and within any other democratic development sphere,” said Greminger.
The Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Andrea Orizio said: “The OSCE Mission to Serbia will remain a trustworthy partner and supporter of Serbia in its ambitious reforms for the benefit of Serbian society by providing its expertise, adding value and fostering domestic ownership of reform achievements, always having in mind the regional dimension.”
The Secretary General also met with the staff of the OSCE Mission to Serbia.