Youth actors from Serbia and Albania receive support from OSCE field operations in enhancing regional connectivity

A five-day training course on project cycle management for representatives of youth civil society organizations from Serbia and Albania, started on 21 November 2016 in Zlatibor, Serbia, as part of a wider project on enhancing regional connectivity among youth actors from the two states.
The OSCE Mission to Serbia, in partnership with the OSCE Presence in Albania jointly organized the training in co-operation with Serbia’s Ministry of Youth and Sport, the Albanian Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth and the National Youth Council of Serbia.
In addition to the previous training on digital skills, held in September in Albania, this course is meant for participants to acquire project management skills and use them for developing joint projects in 2017, in line with OSCE commitments and the Memorandum of Understanding on Youth Co-operation, signed in 2014 by the Governments of both countries.
The Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia, Ambassador Andrea Orizio greeted the young participants at the opening of the training course yesterday in Belgrade.
“Youth can play a decisive role in shaping a better history, overcoming fears, and working for the countries and the region that you want to live in. I hope that the project on enhancing regional connectivity will empower you to take this journey. The OSCE always stands ready to support initiatives that promote peace, security and co-operation,” said Orizio. “Regional connectivity is not only a matter of railways or highways or digital connectivity, but first of all of young persons of the region.”
Milica Skiljevic, National Youth Council of Serbia, said: “Regional youth co-operation is of great importance for the Western Balkans region. Youth organizations benefit the most, since not only do they widen their scope and network of partners, but they also have an opportunity to further develop and improve their programs and activities.”
The OSCE Mission to Serbia and the OSCE Presence in Albania strive to contribute to the existing efforts of the governments of Serbia and Albania, youth-dedicated institutions, and youth and their organizations in both countries, in support of connectivity, long-term co-operation, dialogue and strengthening relationships between young people.
The project is financially supported by the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Germany and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The project updates are available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube under account name ‘Humans of Albania and Serbia’ and #OSCEyouth.