Energy co-operation, new technologies, good governance and connectivity in the digital era – OSCE discusses economic progress and security in Bratislava
Energy co-operation, new technologies, good governance and connectivity in the digital era – OSCE discusses economic progress and security in Bratislava
The Second Preparatory Meeting of the 27th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum (EEF) dedicated to promoting economic progress and security in the OSCE area through energy co-operation, new technologies, good governance and connectivity in the digital era, organized by 2019 Slovakia’s OSCE Chairmanship, will take place in Bratislava on 27 and 28 May 2019. It will focus on the following topics:
- Fostering co-operation and building partnerships for a secure energy future
- Improving the environmental footprint of energy-related activities
- Protecting energy networks from natural and man-made disasters

Why does energy security matter?
Energy security is a precondition for economic growth and stability. Without predictable, reliable and economically sound energy supplies, regional economies cannot prosper.
The OSCE as the world’s largest regional security organization unites some of the world’s most important energy producer, consumer and transit countries. Energy security challenges are complex and often require a regional approach based on dialogue, co-operation and trust.
Natural and man-made disasters and threats emanating from cyber-attacks to critical energy networks are on the rise and are posing an increasing threat to energy security. At the same time, safely meeting the dual challenge of producing more energy with fewer emissions requires renewable energy, innovation and effective public-private partnerships.
What is the role of the OSCE?
The OSCE provides analysis, capacity building, training courses and regional workshops focusing on the protection of critical energy networks, the promotion of energy security dialogue, good governance and transparency in the energy sector, sustainable energy and energy diplomacy. The OSCE its supports 57 participating States in promoting sustainable connectivity and addressing strategic energy security issues.
Who does the OSCE work with?
The Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA) works with national governments as the main-decision-makers; the private sector and industry associations, academia and civil society.
The OCEEA works closely with the OSCE field operations and specialized partner organizations, such as relevant UN and different international specialized agencies.
What is Economic and Environmental Forum meeting?
The EEF is the main meeting cycle within the Economic and Environmental Dimension of the OSCE. Its objectives are to identify needs and priorities, to raise awareness and to stimulate the political will of the 57 OSCE participating States in dealing with economic, environmental and security-related challenges, to share best practices, as well as to provide a platform for dialogue with representatives of international organizations, the business and academic communities, and civil society.
What else will happen in Bratislava on 27 and 28 May?
A side event entitled “Shaping the future of energy policies and co-operation in the OSCE region from the private sector perspective” will also take place.
Experts from leading energy companies and associations will discuss how effective co-operation between the public and private sectors can help to tackle the dual challenge of meeting an increasing energy demand while producing less emission in the OSCE region.