OSCE Annual Report 2008 (ru)

"A shared vision binds together the multi-faceted diversity of the OSCE and its activities.
This vision is of a territory, stretching across 56 countries, that is united and at peace. It is a vision that is founded on a Decalogue of principles and shared values starting, as the Helsinki Final Act declared, with the need to promote the "inherent dignity of the human being". This singular vision, born in Helsinki, still inspires the work of the OSCE in all its aspects.
The Finnish Chairmanship paid fitting tribute to this vision. The determination of the Chairman-in-Office and his team throughout this particularly challenging year was remarkable. The crisis in Georgia in August was shocking. The war was also a reminder of our core mandate: to build a space of co-operative security and to work toward overcoming our - often serious - differences by peaceful means".
Extract from the Secretary General's message.
Взгляды, мнения, выводы и другая информация, представленные в данном документе, не обязательно отражают точку зрения Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ), за исключением случаев, когда непосредственно указано, что ОБСЕ является автором документа.