OSCE Annual Report 2006 - Chapter: OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (ru)
"2006 was a year of consolidation for the OSCE after the celebration of thirty years of the Helsinki Final Act in 2005. Across the three continents within the OSCE area, we made small steps and took great strides - each was important in equal measure in working for stability, prosperity and democracy in 56 States through political dialogue about shared values and through practical work that makes a lasting difference. This is the mission of the OSCE.
"This OSCE Annual Report, in a new design, provides the occasion to highlight the commitments that make up the OSCE and shows the practical measures taken toward their implementation. The OSCE has a good story to tell."
Extract from the Secretary General's message in the OSCE Annual Report 2006.
Взгляды, мнения, выводы и другая информация, представленные в данном документе, не обязательно отражают точку зрения Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе (ОБСЕ), за исключением случаев, когда непосредственно указано, что ОБСЕ является автором документа.