OSCE Magazine, March 2004 (ru)

Roses and reforms: Picking up the pieces in Georgia; Eyewitness accounts: MPs Nino Burjanadze and Bruce George
Bulgarian Chairmanship 2004
Foreign Minister Solomon Passy starts OSCE Chairmanship with high-level diplomacy
Freimut Duve's parting shots
When an institution builds an institution: First OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, 1998-2003; Dire warning: "You'll be the subject of a Duve press release"; Balkan youth give hero's send-off to "defender of their futures"; Travelling multimedia enterprise finds permanent home
Election Observation
Observing Russia's Duma elections is a hard day's night
The MANPADS Menace: Taking aim at the shoulder-fired missile threat
Good Governance
Up close and personal in Serbia and Montenegro: The OSCE meets municipalities
OSCE Diplomacy
In Belgrade and beyond, a delicate balancing act "No turning back the clock: Ambassador Maurizio Massari
Permanent Council
Ambassador John de Fonblanque: The OSCE is "multilateral diplomacy in action"
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