Cyprus Media Dialogue
Cyprus Media Dialogue Project
Working with the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot journalists' unions, the Cyprus Media Dialogue project aims to encourage co-operation between media outlets and journalists from both Cypriot communities, contribute to media pluralism and free flow of information, and advance accountable, quality journalism. Initiated in 2017, the project provides an important platform for the island's journalists to discuss current development of news, professional standards, common challenges, good governance and self-regulation.
Exchange Programme for Journalists
As part of the ongoing project activities, the second exchange opportunity for journalists from both communities was launched in October 2019 and benefited 15 journalists. The Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM), in partnership with the Cyprus Journalists' Union, the Basin-Sen/Press Workers' Union and the Turkish Cypriot Journalists' Union, continues to encourage co-operation, understanding, and access to information by supporting journalists in producing and publishing media content about the life of both communities to the Cypriot public.
During their exchange week, journalists participating in the exchange opportunity were assigned to a host media (print, broadcast or online) to prepare articles, photo stories, audio/video reports, or commentaries on a topic of their choice. More specifically, selected Greek Cypriot journalists worked in a Turkish Cypriot media, and selected Turkish Cypriot journalists worked in a Greek Cypriot media. Concluding the exchange, their journalistic work was published by the journalists' home media. The goal is to provide readers, viewers and listeners with an enhanced understanding of everyday life across the island.
In 2019, a number of media outlets, including Kıbrıs, Yenidüzen, Kanal Sim, Genç TV, CyBC, Haravgi, Politis and Phileleftheros, hosted the project participants in their respective newsrooms.
The first exchange opportunity took place in 2017 and 2018 following a public call for applications, and benefited 14 journalists. To conclude this first edition, the produced journalistic content was presented in English, Greek and Turkish at an event at the Home for Cooperation in Nicosia, in July 2018, providing a further networking opportunity for journalists to share their experiences and establish working relationships.
Words That Matter – A Glossary for Journalism in Cyprus
Within the framework of the Cyprus Media Dialogue project, the RFoM has supported the creation of a glossary of some of the phrases commonly used by the two communities to serve as a voluntary reference tool for journalists in their everyday work. Rather than imposing or restricting the use of certain words, the glossary offers an explanation of how they may be perceived across the island to contribute to a better understanding. It is based on the approach that pluralistic media content, as well as quality, accountable journalism are essential in every society.
The glossary was presented on 10 July 2018 in Nicosia in three languages: English, Greek and Turkish and developed under the leadership of Aidan White, President of the Ethical Journalism Network, a global alliance promoting ethical conduct in the media. Independent Cypriot experts were commissioned to take up the challenge of identifying the glossary entries.
The aim of the glossary is to encourage new approaches and thinking on various issues and deepen conversations throughout and between the media communities, while respecting their journalistic independence and freedom to report without restrictions.
Strengthened Co-operation
Recognizing the importance of continuous collaboration and partnership, the RFoM has actively contributed to developing, furthering and enhancing the conversation between both journalistic communities in Cyprus. A number of expert meetings took place as part of the initial project activities, including with international media freedom experts from the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the Ethical Journalism Network to share best practices and promote accountable, journalistic practices.
Following successful consultations, on 25 April 2017, the three Cypriot journalist unions signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), formally launching an increased and active approach of co-operation, paving the way for greater solidarity on issues of journalists’ safety, access to information, and adherence to professional standards.