Cyprus Dialogue - Expert Meetings
9 July 2018 (All day) - 11 July 2018 (All day)
Nicosia, Cyprus
Organized by
Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media
The Cyprus Dialogue - an OSCE RFOM project (OSCE)
In the framework of the Office’s Cyprus Dialogue project, the Representative and his team will travel to Nicosia, Cyprus, to hold a series of expert meetings with the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot journalistic communities. He will open an exhibit of the work of fourteen young journalists who took part in an exchange week at the neighbouring community’s media outlet. He will also present a glossary of suggested alternatives to some sensitive words and phrases in the media, entitled 'Words That Matter: A Glossary for Journalism in Cyprus'. The Representative will carry out bilateral meetings, including with the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Cyprus, and will visit media outlets during his stay.