Public online consultation outcome
In 2020, the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) conducted a multi-stakeholder online public consultation in the framework of its project to put a spotlight on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on freedom of expression (#SAIFE). The objective of the consultation was to collect a variety of views and opinions, and to obtain input and feedback in view of identifying safeguards for freedom of expression, as well as to ensure that the general public interest, and also special interests of stakeholders, is well reflected in the Office’s project and recommendations.
Based on the #SAIFE Strategy Paper, the RFoM Office developed a questionnaire in co-operation with independent experts from civil society and academia. The survey was accessible online from July until October 2020. In addition to the questionnaire, written contributions to the consultation could be submitted until the end of 2020.
In 2021, the RFoM Office published a comprehensive compilation report that takes stock of the contributions, submitted both through the survey and additional submissions, and presents preliminary trends that emerge from them. Following a summary, the report outlines each of the survey questions with a compilation of the respective responses received.
The outcome of the consultation provides useful multi-stakeholder input for the further implementation of the #SAIFE project and will feed into the development of recommendations on how to safeguard free speech when artificial intelligence (AI) is deployed.