OSCE and Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry bring police and community together to fight crime

Representatives of Tajikistan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) and members of Public Councils on Police Reform (PC) met to discuss community policing as a joint fight against crime. The roundtable discussion was conducted on 4 October 2019 in Guliston, the Sughd region. It was supported by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe and the International Organization Saferworld. Some 110 participants, including staff of MIA and representatives of national and international organizations participated in the event.
“The aim of the meeting is to discuss approaches being undertaken in the framework of police reform, especially deepening community and police co-operation,” said Deputy Minister of Interior Umarzoda Ikrom. “The roundtable discussion helps to exchange views and increase knowledge of police and members of PCs on community policing.”
Presentations were given by the heads of MIA departments and chairpersons of regional and district PCs on the achievements in the improvement of community policing in their regions. Areas for improvement in the work of police and PCs were also noted.
The roundtable discussion concluded with the adoption of a resolution. It includes: joint recommendations on crime prevention, increasing effectiveness of police work in the regions, accessibility of law enforcement’s assistance for the population, the involvement of citizens in the implementation of police reform, the role of media in creating a positive image of police in the community and building trust between the public and the police.
The OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe assured the Interior Ministry and members of PCs that it will continue supporting the MIA to promote the concept of community policing.