OSCE trains civil society organizations in Tajikistan to monitor anti-corruption legislation

Anti-corruption screening of national regulatory acts and identifying corruption risk factors were the focus of a five-day training course, which concluded on 21 June 2019 in Dushanbe.
The event was organized by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe for the members of the OSCE-established Coalition on Transparency and Anti-corruption, and it brought together 17 representatives of civil society in Tajikistan.
The training course allowed the participants to enhance their knowledge on international anti-corruption standards, networks and assessments, anti-corruption screening of draft regulatory acts and corruption risk factors. They also learned about the role of civil society in planning and evaluating the national anti-corruption strategy, and discussed the Coalition’s own strategy and action plan.
“Civil society organizations in Tajikistan have a great potential to monitor national anti-corruption legislation, which can boost transparency in the country. They can contribute to the drafting of Tajikistan’s next anti-corruption strategy, and build a sound human rights-based approach to corruption prevention in their society,” said OSCE expert Cristina Tarna.
The Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Tajikistan on Transparency and Anti-corruption was established in April 2019.