Good governance
The Presence supports the host country to advance its anti-corruption policies and practice. It does so through technical and expert support for policy-making and key legislation; capacity development of relevant institutions and actors; engagement with youth, civil society, and the business sector; awareness raising; and promotion of regional networking and peer-exchange on anti-corruption matters.
The Presence supports the advancement of national anti-corruption policy with the evaluation and monitoring of implementation of the national strategy against corruption and related action plans. It provides technical expertise for implementation of anti-corruption recommendations and best practices with special focus in the areas of conflict of interests, whistle-blowers protection, public procurement, data transparency, anti-bribery measures in the business sector, and corruption risk assessment, coupled with tailored capacity development initiatives. The Presence promotes and evaluates the use of new or innovative anti-corruption tools and resources, and analyses the impact corruption may have on different demographics, including women.
The Presence aligns its support with the priorities of the country and carries out its work in close partnership with Albania’s key institutions and organizations, including both state and non-state actors at both central and local levels.
Environmental activities
The Presence focuses on incorporating good governance principles in government policies and pays special attention to decentralized environmental planning, management of natural resources and protection of the environment. Through training and technical support, the Presence bolsters compliance and enforcement of environmental governance, and boosts public participation in decision-making.