OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights
Freedom of movement

(Konstantin Shishkin / Shutterstock.com)
ODIHR works on a wide range of topics related to freedom of movement that affect the right to leave and return to your country, as well as moving freely within the borders of your own country. This includes the rights of foreigners to unrestricted movement within state borders and the move towards more open cross-border movement and contact between people, institutions and organizations across the OSCE region.
ODIHR supports states in fulfilling the commitments they have made on freedom of movement and helps develop the capacity of civil society by:
- Providing factual human rights-based analyses of the freedom of movement situation in a given country or region;
- Identifying gaps and good practice in national policy
- Evaluating states’ compliance with international human rights standards and OSCE commitments, and providing recommendations;
- Offering technical assistance.
ODIHR’s current areas of focus include:
- Developing resources and monitoring tools on freedom of movement in conflict situations;
- Analysing cross-border mobility trends in the OSCE region, including visa policies;
- Developing resources and expert support on the human rights implications of the use of new technologies, including artificial intelligence, at borders;
- Supporting states to prevent and reduce statelessness.