Насоки за анализа на изборната законска рамка
This handbook sets out ODIHR’s approach and practices in assisting participating States in the follow-up of electoral recommendations. While ODIHR has conducted follow-up activities for several years, this handbook aims to establish a more systematic approach that provides clarity and consistency and promotes greater attention to the implementation of recommendations. It has been developed on the basis of generous extra-budgetary contributions as part of ODIHR’s continued effort to improve its methodology and to increase professionalism in election observation activities. The handbook is primarily intended for actors in OSCE participating States addressing ODIHR’s electoral recommendations, but it will also be of use to
those following up on recommendations outside the OSCE region.
Ставовите, мислењата, заклучоците и останатите информации изразени во овој документ, не мора да го изразуваат ставот на Организацијата за безбедност и соработка во Европа (ОБСЕ), освен доколку не е експлицитно наведено дека ОБСЕ е автор на документот.