Media freedom and development

In pursuing this aim, the Mission highlights the obligation of the country to implement the 2018 OSCE Ministerial Decision on Safety of Journalists. The OSCE’s network of human rights officers around the country monitor threats, intimidation and harassment directed at journalists and subsequently follow up with authorities to pursue justice. Individual cases of attacks against journalists are regularly reported to the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media.
The Mission closely monitors the adoption of new legislation governing the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Mission supports the work of the Free Media Helpline of the BiH Association of Journalists and monitors developments of defamation claims filed against journalists.
The Mission advocates for more transparent media ownership, in particular regarding the funding of media from public budgets, through the adoption of new laws and regulations.
In co-operation with the Press Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Mission organizes capacity building workshops for journalists and editors to provide them with new guidelines for reporting on human rights issues and violent radicalization.