17th Economic and Environmental Forum - part II
17 May 2009 (All day) - 20 May 2009 (All day)

Special Secretary Alexandros Tsiatsiamis (r) of the Greek Foreign Ministry addresses the 2nd Prep Conf for the 17th EEF, Tirana, 16 March 2009. Also pictured are Albanian Interior Minister Bujar Nishani (c) and OSCE EEA Co-ordinator, Goran Svilanovic. (OSCE/Martina Gadotti Rodrigues) Photo details
17th Economic and Environmental Forum - Part 2, taking place on 17-20 May 2009 in Athens, Greece.
The second part of the 17th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum (EEF) takes place in Athens, Greece, on 17-20 May 2009.
The focus of the 17th EEF and its two preparatory conferences, which were held in October 2008 (Prague) and March 2009 (Tirana) is "Migration management and its linkages with economic, social and environmental policies to the benefit of stability and security in the OSCE region".