17th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum - part I
19 January 2009 (All day) - 20 January 2009 (All day)

The 17th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum will address migration and its ties to economic, social and environmental policies. (OSCE Chairmanship)
The first part of the 17th Economic and Environmental Forum on "Migration management and its linkages with economic, social and environmental policies to the benefit of stability and security in the OSCE region".
The first part of the 17th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum took place in Vienna, Austria, on 19-20 January 2009.
The focus of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum and its two preparatory conferences in 2008 and 2009 is "Migration management and its linkages with economic, social and environmental policies to the benefit of stability and security in the OSCE region".