OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
Media freedom and development

Ms. Svetlana Artykova, Deputy Chairperson of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan (L), Mr. Akmal Saidov, Director of the National Centre for Human Rights of Uzbekistan (C), Ms. Krista Pikkat, Representative of UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan at the Media-Week to discuss the Strategy 2017-2021 in Tashkent, 27 January 2017 (the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan) Photo details
Projects in this area focus on improving the quality of radio and television broadcasts; strengthening the professional skills of press information staff working for government agencies and civil society organizations; developing media reporting on environmental and sustainable development themes; and training civil society members on advanced communication strategies, the legal framework, and effective interaction with state institutions.