OSCE, EU enhance Armenian journalists’ skills to cover elections

TSAKHKADZOR, Armenia, 21 November 2012 –– The role of the media in elections, the importance of impartial and quality reporting on elections and the techniques to directly involve voters through electronic and social media will be discussed at a training workshop that started today in Tsakhkadzor, Armenia.
The two-day training course is organized by the OSCE Office in Yerevan and the non-governmental organization Internews Media Support, and is financed by the European Union.
The aim of the training is to equip the journalists with skills for using electronic and social media to report on the Presidential elections in Armenia in February 2013 and to strengthen journalists’ capacity to analyze, report and follow up on citizens’ concerns with regards to electoral processes.
“Free and fair elections are not only about casting a vote, but also about having adequate information presented in mass media about candidates, parties, platforms and the election process itself, so that the voters can make an informed choice,” said Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan. “Therefore, the role of journalists during the election process is crucial, and this project aims to strengthen it.”
"Reporting in a multimedia environment is not an easy task. One has to be quick and innovative, and at the same time ensure correct factual information and represent different points of view," said Marja Daffern from the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia. "I hope this training will help you in this task, and give a new impetus to enhancing your professional reporting on elections in Armenia."
During the workshop, journalists will discuss the role, rights and responsibilities of media during elections and learn about techniques of using the web and new media to communicate to the voters during the election campaign and on the election day. Participants will also familiarize themselves with electoral legislation and discuss problems faced by journalists during election campaign with an experienced Danish media trainer.
Nouneh Sarkissian, Executive Director of Internews Media Support, said: “We – both as professionals and as citizens - want to have intelligent and advanced media, well-informed and educated journalists, who can help ensure that both the authorities and ordinary citizens alike assume responsibility for the future of our country.”
The training course is part of a 1.7 million euro project on strengthening electoral processes in Armenia in line with international standards, implemented by the OSCE Office in Yerevan and financed by the EU.