OSCE Office presents publication on main aspects of cyber security in Armenia
YEREVAN, 14 December 2006 - Cyber security and cyber crime, including the global threats in this respect and their relevance for Armenia, international standards and Armenian efforts to combat it are the focus of a publication, presented in Yerevan today.
Supported by the OSCE Office, it included the conclusions of a recent roundtable discussion on cyber security, as well as recommendations from an OSCE-supported cyber security task force.
"The importance of cyber security management continues to grow as the global digital economy develops. The inadequate protection of information technology could hinder the development of Armenia and not only in the information and communication sectors," said Ambassador Vladimir Pryakhin, the Head of the OSCE Office.
"Best international practices offer Armenia models that can be applied to fill in the practical gaps. An important step in this respect was the ratification by Armenia in March 2006 of the Council of Europe Convention against Cyber Crime. The publication presented today can help Armenia in its efforts to safeguard cyber security, combat cyber crime and adopt policies to foster technological innovation."
Ara Yeremyan, Head of the Criminal and Administrative Law Unit of the Legislative and Analytical Department at the National Assembly, added:
"It is crucial for Armenia to create a comprehensive approach, taking into account international standards and other countries' experience. This publication is a useful tool in that work."
The Task Force on Cyber Crime and Cyber Security was created at the initiative of the OSCE Office in Yerevan and includes members from the Police, the National Security Service, the National Assembly and the Presidential Administration. It was designed to co-ordinate efforts in this area, raise awareness on the issue and propose concrete steps to improve the situation.
Limited copies limited copies are available at the OSCE Office in Yerevan.