Good governance

Promoting good governance and combating corruption, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism are among the key activities of the Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (OCEEA). These activities are based on a number of OSCE Ministerial and Permanent Council Decisions, including the 2014 Basel Ministerial Council Decision on the Prevention of Corruption and the 2012 Dublin Ministerial Council Declaration on Strengthening Good Governance and Combating Corruption, Money-Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism. The OCEEA actively supports national reforms and transparency initiatives, as well the development and implementation of more effective anti-corruption policies and mechanisms to help participating States in achieving good economic governance, creating robust anti-money laundering regimes, a solid ethics infrastructure, and sound financial and resource management.
To ensure the quality and effectiveness of laws related to the human dimension, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) supports participating States by reviewing their law-making systems and relevant draft and existing legislation. In providing such support, the Office draws on legislative guidelines in specific areas, such as elections, freedom of assembly and political party legislation, as well as the resources of, ODIHR’s online legislative database.
The OCEEA, as well as a number of OSCE field operations, strive to make good governance a priority of their work by engaging in:
- Strengthening multi-stakeholder co-operation among governments, private sector and civil society.
- Providing targeted technical and capacity building support including through training and awareness-raising campaigns.
- Promoting inter-agency co-operation and coordination.
- Supporting authorities’ efforts against corruption, money-laundering and terrorism financing.
- Conducting targeted trainings on conflicts of interest prevention.
- Supporting the creation of anti-corruption strategies, action plans and bodies.
- Promoting integrity in public service through development and implementation of codes of ethics and asset declaration mechanisms.
- Regulations on whistle-blower protection.
- Sound and transparent public procurement processes.
- Improving relevant legislative frameworks.
- Advising to improve transparency and civic participation.
- Bringing more women and youth into decision-making processes.
- Strengthening management of public funds.
- Supporting regulatory reform and simplification.
- Introducing e-governance solutions.