OSCE Centre to help improve expertise of border guards and customs officials in Uzbekistan
TASHKENT 12 March 2004
TASHKENT, 12 March 2004 - The OSCE Center in Tashkent will hold a training programme to improve the expertise of Uzbek border guards and customs officials in tracing and seizing illegally trafficked small arms and light weapons (SALW) in the region, as well as in uncovering falsified travel and customs documents.
From 15 March to 7 April OSCE experts will conduct training sessions for customs officials and border guards in three regions of Uzbekistan - Urgench, Ferghana, and Samarkand.
The event is a direct follow-up to the three-month programme entitled "Combating Illicit Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons through Border Management Assistance", which was implemented in 2003 by the Centre in Tashkent jointly with the OSCE's Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna.
The programme is designed to further combat illicit cross-border trafficking in SALW between Uzbekistan and neighbouring countries, and ultimately reduce the uncontrolled spread of these weapons in the Central Asian region.
From 15 March to 7 April OSCE experts will conduct training sessions for customs officials and border guards in three regions of Uzbekistan - Urgench, Ferghana, and Samarkand.
The event is a direct follow-up to the three-month programme entitled "Combating Illicit Trafficking of Small Arms and Light Weapons through Border Management Assistance", which was implemented in 2003 by the Centre in Tashkent jointly with the OSCE's Conflict Prevention Centre in Vienna.
The programme is designed to further combat illicit cross-border trafficking in SALW between Uzbekistan and neighbouring countries, and ultimately reduce the uncontrolled spread of these weapons in the Central Asian region.