Марказий Осиёда сув ресурсларини бошқаришда гендер омилларини ҳисобга олиш
The OCEEA strives to promote a gender perspective in its activities related to water governance and water diplomacy given the gender-specific impacts of water policies and the vast potential of the inclusion of gender in this field for more equitable and effective water management. The OCEEA has developed this guide to gender mainstreaming in water governance in Central Asia for the benefit of water practitioners in the region. Gender mainstreaming in water governance contributes to stability and security as it can lead to more effective policies and can work to reduce social imbalances and tension. When women and men equally decide on how to use water, decisions are better targeted and more representative of the needs of the entire population.
Қарашлар, фикрлар, хулосалар, ва ушбу ҳужжатда ифодаланган бошқа маълумотлар Европада Хавфсизлик ва Ҳамкорлик Ташкилотининг (ЕХҲТ) нуқтаи назари ифодаси дегани эмас. Ҳужжатда ЕХҲТ муаллифи эканлигини таъкидланган ҳоллатлар бундан мустасно.