OSCE and EU conduct conference to discuss legal aspects of election campaign funding in Ukraine

KYIV, 9 November 2010 - Legislative regulation of election campaign funding in Ukraine and best international practices in this field were in focus at a conference organized in Kyiv today as part of an OSCE-implemented project to assist efforts to strengthen election processes in Ukraine. The project is funded by the European Union and the Canadian International Development Agency.
The event gathered representatives of Ukraine's Central Election Commission, members of the Parliament, representatives of government bodies, political parties, international organizations and election experts. Participants discussed matters related to election campaign funding in Ukraine, including in the light of the recent elections.
"The regulation of the financing of election campaigns is an important component in ensuring an even playing field for election contestants. It also influences the integrity and transparency of the election process as a whole and the accountability of the elected bodies," said Tigran Karapetyan, Project Manager, from the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine.
International experts presented examples of existing regulation and best practices.
"The funding of election campaigns has an impact on election results and should therefore be clearly regulated. Ukraine has previously asked the EU for assistance in elaborating an electoral code. We are pleased that we were and still are able to provide to Ukraine very relevant expertise from the 27 EU Member States on any aspect of the electoral process," said Laura Garagnani, Head of the Operations Section at the EU Delegation in Kiev.
The conference was part of continuing efforts by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator and the EU to assist Ukraine in the improvement of its election legislation, including in the drafting of an Election Code.
The "Assistance in Further Strengthening of Election Processes in Ukraine" project is currently funded by the European Union and the Canadian International Development Agency.