OSCE trains Ukrainian anti-trafficking NGOs in capacity-building
KYIV, 18 April 2007 - Up to 100 members of Ukrainian non-governmental organizations combating human trafficking are participating in a series of capacity-building training seminars jointly organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Ukraine. The second part of the training sessions, which has just started, will last until 21 April 2007.
The participants will be trained in Finance and Human Resource Management for NGOs. This initiative is a follow-up of a series of capacity-building training sessions for NGOs jointly organized by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and IOM in December 2006.
"Many Ukrainian NGOs have become important service providers to victims of trafficking; their advocacy and awareness-raising work has been an important factor behind the State's efforts to eradicate trafficking in human beings," said Volker Frobarth, Senior Project Officer at the office of the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine. "Participation in these capacity-building training sessions will enhance the sustainability of these NGOs to make sure that victims of trafficking and persons at risk of becoming victims of trafficking receive adequate support, and that civil society maintains its important role in Ukraine's anti-trafficking efforts," he added.
Ukraine has a network of over 70 anti-trafficking NGOs and civil society groups, which play a crucial role in preventing human trafficking, as well as in the identification, rehabilitation and reintegration of victims of trafficking. The training sessions are part of on-going initiatives by international organizations and other institutions in Ukraine to support local NGOs.