OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine helps re-train discharged military officers
KYIV, 10 June 2005 - A group of senior Ukrainian military officers graduated today in Kyiv from an OSCE funded re-training course on advanced management skills.
Since 2004, more than 210 officers have finished the free course, and 80 percent have been re-employed in the private sector and state institutions.
The 120-hour course for discharged military officers focuses on business, human resource and financial management, as well as career planning, marketing and sales. The officers will also continue to receive employment assistance.
"Considering the current reduction in the armed forces of Ukraine, which is an essential component of the continuing military reform in the country, and the fruitful results of this course, the OSCE Project Co-ordinator plans to continue providing this training," said Cordula Wohlmuther, Senior Programme Officer. "A new training course will begin next week."
The course was carried out by trainers from Business Link with support from the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine and the National Co-ordinating Center for the Resettlement of Military Servicemen and Conversion.