Opinion on the Draft Law of Ukraine on Police and Police Activities
The scope of this Opinion covers only the Draft Law, submitted for review. Thus limited, the Opinion does not constitute a full and comprehensive review of the entire legal and institutional framework governing the police and criminal justice system in Ukraine. The Opinion raises key issues and provides indications of areas of concern. In the interest of conciseness, the Opinion focuses more on areas that require amendments or improvements rather than on the positive aspects of the Draft Law. The ensuing recommendations are based on international and regional standards relating to democratic policing, human rights and fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, as well as relevant OSCE commitments. The Opinion will also highlight, as appropriate, good practices from other OSCE participating States in this field.
Погляди, думки, висновки та інші дані, наведені в цьому документі, не обов’язково відображають позицію Організації з безпеки та співробітництва в Європі або схвалюються нею, за виключенням тих випадків, коли безпосередньо вказано, що ОБСЄ є автором цього документу.