Guidelines on legislative drafting skills
The objective of this handbook is to assist future lawyers and other persons who need full and systematic knowledge about the legislative system formation in mastering the knowledge about the complex system of methods and techniques of reflecting legal requirements in the legislative acts as well as to enable potential lawmakers with an opportunity to advance their professional skills underpinned by the scientific basis. This document is only available in Russian and Turkmen.
Resminamanyň awtory ÝHHG diýlip bellenilen ýerlerden başga, şu resminamada hödürlenilýän nukdaýnazarlar, pikirler, netijeler we beýleki maglumatlar hökmany suratda Ýewropadaky Howpsuzlyk we Hyzmatdaşlyk Guramasynyň (ÝHHG) nukdaýnazaryny beýan edýän däldir.