More women needed in politics in Tajikistan, say participants in OSCE meeting in Warsaw
Female representatives from all registered political parties in Tajikistan who took part in the Human Dimension Seminar held by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights on 18-20 May 2011 in Warsaw, issued a joint statement outlining a strategy for boosting women's participation in politics in their country.
The eight politicians from Tajikistan took part in the seminar's lively debate on issues related to party pluralism, regulations and women's representation in political parties.
The seminar marked the first time that all political parties, including the ruling party, agreed on a common goal for increasing the number of women politicians. Their strategy highlights the importance of increasing the number of women in politics. It also creates a working group with rotating chairpersons composed of female representatives from all political parties that is to meet monthly. In addition, it establishes women's groups inside each political party.
“The small number of women in elected positions in Tajikistan remains a critical concern," said Maria Gratschew, Gender and Anti-Trafficking Officer at the OSCE Office in Tajikistan. "The unanimous agreement reached here in Warsaw is a promising development for improving internal party democracy and thereby promoting women's participation in politics.”
Alla Kuvatova, Executive Director of the Association of NGOs on Gender Equality and Prevention of Violence Against Women, who took part in the seminar as a moderator, said:
“The participation of eight female politicians at the Human Dimension Seminar has provided new skills and ideas for their professional development, cross-party co-operation and moved forward a united agenda for women in politics in Tajikistan.”