Tajik Youth Forum contributes to national action plan on protection of children
DUSHANBE, 28 November 2001 - The third Tajik youth forum "Youth in Development" convened to express support to the ongoing reform process in Tajikistan. The forum was initiated by the governmental Tajik youth committee and enjoyed support from OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and UNICEF.
"As world practice shows, it is impossible to gain success in political and socio-economic reforms without a direct and active participation of the young generation in the reform process. That is why we should look upon the new generation with optimism and restrain from our traditional mistrust towards young people", said Mr. Rakhimov, Chairman of the Tajik youth committee in his address to the nearly 200 participants.
The audience represented youth sub-committees from all regions of Tajikistan, as well as youth non-gonvernmental organizations (NGOs) and associations. Special guests were invited from the presidential apparatus, the Parliament and local executives.
This year's forum was also a follow-up to the recent national conference on child protection. Seven workshops were set up to draft recommendations to the national action plan on child protection. These recommendations were later handed over to the state committee in charge of the action plan. The recommendations focused on mechanisms to monitor and protect children's rights and pointed out areas for concrete action involving youth organizations and NGOs.
At the conclusion, the participants agreed that such a forum is a fine opportunity for further development of the dialogue between the state and the Tajik youth.