OSCE to help strengthen Tajik border security

DUSHANBE, 6 December 2007 - OSCE experts ended a visit to Dushanbe today during which they discussed the recent request by the Tajik Government to develop projects aimed at strengthening the country's border security and management.
"Developing border security and management is crucial for Tajikistan, and will help address the different threats, including illicit drug trafficking from Afghanistan," said Henry Bolton, Senior OSCE Border Issues Advisor.
"The OSCE has extensive experience in the field of border security, and is pleased to be requested by the government of Tajikistan to assist in strengthening the countries borders"
Colonel Arto Niemenkari, the Head of the Finnish Border Guard and Coast Guard Academy, added: "Our delegation is leaving with a distinctly positive impression of the Tajik border management agencies and the desire of the leadership to address major challenges. Finland, and the Finnish Border Guard, are pleased and proud to be associated with the OSCE border-related activities in Tajikistan. In 2008, when Finland assumes the Chairmanship of the Organization, we will place a high degree of importance to this work."
Finland and Norway have pledged almost one million Euros towards the training and equipping of the Tajik Border Troops and the OSCE will deploy approximately fifteen of its staff to provide training and advice over the next two years.