OSCE Office in Tajikistan hands over kits for training of sniffer K-9 dogs
A special ceremony for a handover of the kits for training of sniffer (K-9) dogs, procured by the OSCE Office in Tajikistan within the framework of police reform, took place at the Canine Centre of Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry in Dushanbe on 26 January 2016.
Kits containing the original collars, leashes, protection jackets, ring-sleeves and sleeves for trainers, clickers, balls with handles "Kinologprofi" and other items were selected by Tajik officials from the Canine Centre during their study visit to Austrian Federal Police Dog Training Centre in Bad Kreuzen from 14 to 18 December 2015.
"The OSCE Office in Tajikistan will further assist the Canine Centre of Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry, as the integral part of the police reform," said Wolfgang Nikolaus, Counter Terrorism and Police Issues Adviser at the OSCE Office in Tajikistan.
The Office in Tajikistan has been providing assistance in the development of Canine Centre of Tajikistan’s Interior Ministry since 2009. The OSCE has also funded the construction of office buildings and enclosures for service dogs.
Needs assessment of the Tajik Canine Centre in general was conducted by an international expert, which along with the recommendations was sent to the Foreign Ministry of Tajikistan for all stakeholders’ information.
A training course for Police dog handlers on effective use of sniffer dogs in the fight against terrorism and organized crime was carried out in November 2015.